Develop expertise in designing, implementing, and evaluating effective internal control systems using COSO's self-study course on internal control. Earn 16.5 NASBA CPE credits and a COSO Certificate after meeting final exam criteria.
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The Expertise You Need
Evolving technologies, globalization, and changing business models have increased the need for effective internal controls. Designing and implementing controls that adapt to these changing conditions can make this task a greater challenge than ever. This course offers a...
Evolving technologies, globalization, and changing business models have increased the need for effective internal controls. Designing and implementing controls that adapt to these changing conditions can make this task a greater challenge than ever. This course offers a unique, self-paced learning opportunity to develop expertise in designing, implementing, and conducting an effective internal control system. This on-demand program includes videos of expert tips and recommendations from industry leaders who help guide you through this essential material.
After successfully completing this online version of the live Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) workshop and passing the COSO final assessment exam (within 30 days of course completion), you will understand how to design, implement, and evaluate effective internal control systems using COSO's Internal Control—Integrated Framework and earn 16.5 NASBA CPE credits and a COSO Certificate of Educational Achievement. Product is available for one (1) year after purchase date.